Quantum Computer Systems
Course Overview
This course will cover the fundamental concepts quantum computation and quantum computer systems, including recent progress on research topics.
Specific topics include the following
quantum fundamentals,
quantum gates and circuits,
quantum circuit synthesis/compilation (including Solovay Kitaev algorithm)
quantum circuit optimization (search algorithms and local optimality)
quantum simulation (dense and sparse approaches)
quantum algorithms
In addition to lectures, the course will include a project on a topic chosen by the student (or a group of students).
The course is open to all students and especially to students with background is "classical" computer science, including algorithms, programming languages, systems (in no particular order).
Week 1: Introduction to Quantum Computing
Week 2: Qubits
Week 3: Entanglement: Multi-qubit systems, Bell States, Entanglement
Week 4: Quantum gates and circuits
Week 5: Quantum compilation I
Week 6: Quantum compilation II
Week 7: Quantum circuit optimization
Week 8: :Quantum simulation I
Week 9: Quantum simulation II
Week 10: Project topics
Week 11-14: Project meetings